Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beatitudes. (why do they even call them that?)

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. –Matthew 5:9

The beatitudes are some of the most poetic teachings of Jesus. Beautiful, melodious, impossible to obey.

Become poor and meek, mourn, hunger and thirst, be merciful and pure, allow persecution, be a peacemaker.

In essence, Jesus describes himself, and then says, “its your turn.” Be like me.

Jesus, could you possibly be mistaken? I’m supposed to become rich because I love you so much. New cars and houses, and all that stuff. Since you are going to bless me, I’ll be laughing and singing, not mourning! Oh, and the hungry and thirsty part—I hope you know that I would really prefer a full pantry, a stocked refrigerator, and a little extra for going out. Mercy sounds painful and purity sounds boring. I’m definitely not signing up for the persecution part, and what the heck does the peacemaker thing mean?

A peace maker. To form or create peace? Sounds right. Within relationships: between families, between friends, between enemies. It could also mean to induce harmony and unity. Within the world: to promote amnesty, to solve problems without retreating to violence and vengeance.

But ultimately, peacemaking is about reconciliation.

And the heart of the message is once again, the cross.

Like when Jesus bent down to the prostitute woman, and claimed her multitude of sexual sins as his own. When he found the treacherous politician and asked to share a meal with him, or when he looked the cold-blooded criminal in the eyes and said, “you don’t deserve forgiveness, but it is yours.”

But how can I attempt the work of the Master? Ah, my most effective and often-used excuses are those full of self-degrading humility and false pretenses of lowliness. After all, I am nothing but molded clay. Dirt of the earth, scum of the sea.

Jesus prods gently. “Indwelled clay,” he corrects. Alive dirt, a pathetic human possessed by a force much more powerful and holy than I can comprehend. A molded being patterned after the very form of God himself. My status should not be of pride, but of profound awe.

You want me push people towards your Word, to nudge them in the direction of your salvation. You want me to take on the character of Christ, and become a reconciling witness. Leaving the ultimate choice out of my hands, but prayed over in my heart.

God, let your way be clearly shown and obviously apparent in me. I surrender. Make me a peacemaker.

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